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Études for a Dying Race
Tristan Zaba

1. Zeus

Oh Nyx, hast thou caught us?
Wilt thou freeze us?
Confine us to the mists of rhyme?
I think, therefore I think not!

There is always hope.
There must be….

For all’s within my scope.
The earth will always tremble
Under the force of my rage,

For if I lay waste to atlas,
He ever will support my stage.

II. Athena

Darkening slowly,
Here above my hill,
The molten clouds tumble cross the skyline.

Lost in senseless thought,
With the world’s weight upon me.


What by thy fate,
Thee of simple tasks,
Ambling to and fro down the road to midnight.

What good can I be here,
When each new day is newly charred?

Trying to hold some hope,
Well beyond my scope.

What must I now do,
Left to face this darkness?

With storm clouds inside me,
Must I now greet the falling rain?

Such reflections make me run for higher ground.
Chaos must claim one or the other.
I’ll join the growing mob, for the sake of one last chorus.
Change is real, no matter what we feel.

III. Hades

As your eyes begin to adjust,
Ink fades with the dawn of dusk.

As we swirl through the murk of this helpless oppression,
My darkness keeps you from the heat of the night.

Whether ignored, helped, or hindered my face will be seen.

The fates have dictated that…

We’ll meet again.
Don’t know where,
Don’t know when,
But I know we’ll meet again
Some sunny day.

Keep smiling through
The way you always do,
Till the sunshine drives the dark clouds
Far away.

IV. Hera

Do not fear the abyss,
For it only accepts that which it is.

Do not love your destruction,
For it loves not back, and cannot be satisfied.

Do not hate time,
For lordly hatred breeds weakness.

On the other side is immortality;
Foundational transitory grace.

Do not fear yourselves,
For you hold less than you wish, but far more than you know.

Do not love the future.
For it is only necessary.

Do not hate your supplanters
Because they come from our faulty design.

On the other side continues our quest.
Only wisdom remains.

On the other side is momentary life,
For fellow travellers amidst a sea of dying flames.

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Author: funapee(Twitter)

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